Wednesday 27 February 2013

How to take better care of your hair


We have about 100,000 hairs on our heads. Each hair shaft has three layers, with the cuticle, or outside layer, protecting the two inner layers. Shiny hair is a sign of health because the layers of the cuticle lie flat and reflect light. When the scales of the cuticle lie flat they overlap tightly, so the inner layers are well protected from heat, sun, chlorine, and all the other hazards that can come from living in our environment. When hair is damaged, though, the scales may separate and hair can become dry. Because the scales on dry hair don't protect the inner two layers as well, hair can break and look dull.

The type of hair a person has whether it's straight or curly can also affect how shiny it is. Sebum, which is the natural oil on the hair, covers straight hair better than curly hair, which is why straight hair can appear shinier. Depending, how long a person's hair is or how fast it grows, the end of each hair shaft can be a couple of years old. So the hair at the end of the shaft could have survived a few summers of scorching sun and saltwater and winters of cold, dry air. How well you care for your hair from the time it emerges from the root plays a role in how healthy it looks. There are different things that affect our hair which makes them not to grow well, but am going to discuss more on few of them.


when you think of getting your hair wet, showering and swimming come to mind. But our hair also absorbs water when we exercise through sweat, when we visit the sauna, hammam or spa (thanks to the steam) and, of course, when we get caught in a rainstorm and forget our umbrella. So this affects the wellbeing of our hair. For one thing the hair shaft is permeable, which means it absorbs moisture and when it does it “swells”. In this moisture-laden state, our hair becomes more sensitive.
Add to this the fact that seawater and sweat contain their fair share of salt, which has a tendency to dry out the hair shaft. Chlorine, meanwhile, contains a mixture of chemicals and can be even harsher on your hair, not to mention the changes in colour it can provoke on blonde hair. Excessive sweating takes the potential damage one step further, as in the long term it can lead to hair loss, but this is less frequent.


·         Shampoo your hair with a frequent-use product after exercising and/or a spa visit.

·         For pool swimmers, wet your hair with regular, soft water before swimming and apply a moisturizing conditioner after your post-pool shampoo.

·         If you can’t wash your hair after each swimming or exercising session, then be sure to at least rinse it.

·         Apply a hair mask at least twice a week.

·         If you don’t have soft water in your home, think about getting a water softener or purifier. Hard water contains a higher level of minerals, which can cause your hair to be dull and be harder to wash.

·         Rinse your hair with a cup of warm water and a teaspoon of white vinegar after your shampoo and conditioner.


Unless you live in a tiny village by the sea or in a tree house in the forest, If not, there are chances of you been exposed to pollution. Most of us are concerned and rightly so by the harm air pollution can inflict on our respiratory system, but it also takes its toll on our skin and hair. Scientists have gone so far as to claim that pollution has an active role in hair loss. Dust, dirt and smoke settle onto the hair, causing it to get dirty faster. The scalp is also a victim as pollutants act as an aggressor to that sensitive area, making it even more fragile.

In addition, dust and smoke coat the hair, which can cut down drastically on the shine factor. Smoke from cigars and cigarettes have a similar effect even if you’re not the one smoking. Presently, bars and restaurants have banned smoking, so that will help reduce the effect on those who are not smoking with them.


·         Shampoo your hair more often with gentle, frequent use products.

·         Massage your scalp on a daily basis, as increasing blood flow will encourage a healthier scalp.

·         Wear a hat or scarf a fashion statement in all seasons.

·          The stress of city life can have a detrimental effect on your hair, so set aside a few moments of down time every day.

Some hair care brands offer “anti-pollution” products, which are said to create a protective film around the hair shaft. There is no scientific proof that these products actually cut down on the negative effects of pollution, but you try them to see if it works for you.


Eating a balanced diet will make a big difference on your hair. Your hair needs vitamins and minerals just like the rest of your body. For example, zinc and protein are needed, and without them, you are more likely to experience hair loss. You should also drink plenty of water each day to keep your body and your hair hydrated. Not enough water can cause your hair to feel dry to the touch. Also, make sure you get enough sleep each night. The amount of hours you need depends on you. This could be anywhere from five hours to ten hours per night. This is your body's time to rest and repair itself. If any damage has been done to your scalp or your hair, your body will work on fixing it naturally while you sleep.


Brushing your hair can actually help improve the shine. Brushing evenly distributes the oils from the scalp throughout the hair shaft. If you have long hair that tends to tangle on the ends, you should start brushing on the ends to remove any tangles, and work your way up to the scalp. You should never brush wet hair. When hair is wet is it much weaker than when it is dry. Wet hair will break very easily if it is not combed very gently. If you have long hair, you should squeeze the excess water from your hair with a towel. Never rub your hair between the towel to dry it, this can cause severe breakage. Before combing, a leave-in conditioner should be sprayed on the hair to help restore shine and help remove tangles. Using a wide tooth comb, comb hair from the ends and work your way up.


Don’t weigh down your hair with too many products; remember, less is more! If you have oily locks go ahead and shampoo daily, but for normal or dry hair restrict yourself to every few days at the most. Choose a gentle, frequent-use shampoo (Beauty-id’s Vitamin + Kiwi shampoo, for example) and remember to condition the tips. Keep your styling products to a minimum as well.


It’s counterproductive to skip a visit to the salon in order to colour your own hair. Home-colouring kits are often harsher on your hair than what you’ll get in the salon and how to be sure you’ll hit on the right colour? You’re better off visiting your stylist your hair will thank you for it.


No matter how good it feels to have a sunbath, this is the last thing your hair needs. Excessive sun exposure, especially in warmer months, will leave your hair drier and more brittle. If wearing a hat is not for you, apply UV-protection products and condition more frequently.


Dandruff means that the dead skin cells on your scalp flake off and your scalp can become excessively itchy. It generally comes from an overly oily scalp, which can be the result of poor hygiene, an unhealthy diet, and hormonal imbalances or, last but not least, stress. Overuse of styling products can encourage dandruff as the build-up of products can cause an oily scalp.


·         Washing your hair regularly- yes, it can come from having dirty hair and using an anti-dandruff shampoo when needed. Don’t use dandruff shampoo every time you wash your hair; it’s best to alternate with your everyday shampoo. Be sure to massage it into your scalp with your fingertips without digging your nails into your scalp.

·         Try an herbal dandruff shampoo first as many of these contain ingredients like tea tree oil and ginger that do wonders to clear up the condition, naturally. If you have a serious case, see your dermatologist, but if not, stay away from medicinal shampoos.

·         It’s a good idea to brush with a natural bristle, brush every day as this exfoliates your scalp and gets your blood circulating.

·         Your diet is also important: avoid fatty and processed foods and favour greens, fish, lean meat and foods rich in vitamin B and zinc. And get a bit of sun studies have shown that a little sunlight is a good way to treat dandruff.


Vinegar Rinse: Blend one part cider vinegar to two parts water and rinse your hair with the mixture after you shampoo. This will not only calm your dandruff problem, but will also make your hair shinier.


If you’ve never had lice, count yourself among the lucky ones. If you have, chances are you’ll do nearly anything to avoid repeating the experience. Although children are the most susceptible to catching it, you can get lice at any age. Despite the old wives tales, how clean or dirty your hair may be has nothing to do with catching lice; indeed, some “experts” say that lice are even more attracted to clean hair. If your scalp is unusually itchy, look closer they like to hunker down at the base of the hairline in the neck or over the ears, and close to the scalp. You can tell them apart from dandruff easily. Dandruff falls away, whereas lice or nits (lice in the egg stage) cling on for dear life.To actually kill lice and nits you need to apply a chemical product. But do your research, as some brands are less toxic than others look for one that can be left on just an hour or so, instead of overnight. These lotions can take their toll on your hair, and especially on children’s more fragile locks, so only apply them in confirmed cases, not preventatively.

If you are wholly opposed to the chemical solution, you can try the natural route mayonnaise or olive oil. But be forewarned: these products will not kill lice; they will only make it easier to comb them out. Like the chemical lotions, apply all over your hair and scalp and then comb out with a fine-tooth metal comb. You can also apply a chemical lotion first and follow it up with an olive oil pack to give a bit of moisture back to your hair and as a second, back-up, combing session. After treatment, wash your hair with a gentle, frequent use shampoo, such as Beauty-id’s Daily Shampoo, fortified with vitamins and kiwi extract. As you’re treating your hair, wash everything that comes into contact with your head at a high temperature hats, scarves, combs, brushes, headbands and even barrettes. Then move on to the bed linens, stuffed animals and pillows.


No matter how technologically advanced our hair care products are today, our hair still ages, which means it thins, goes gray and sometimes falls out. But what exactly happens to our hair as we age? Like our bones and organs, including our skin, there are just fewer cells reproducing as we get older, and our hair in no exception, and a lack of protein within the hair shaft means thinner and oftentimes coarser strands. When it comes to gray hair, for years it’s been common knowledge that the melanin inside the hair naturally slows down production as we age. But a recent discovery by Germany and UK-based scientific teams has called into question the traditional thinking on why we go gray. Their recent studies have shown that the appearance of gray hair is actually caused by a build-up of hydrogen peroxide within the roots of our hair.

While hydrogen peroxide is naturally present in our bodies and our hair, a gradual build-up, say the experts, targets the enzymes that control the creation of melanin, which dictates our hair color.
What does this mean in the long term? For one it’s a great starting point. If scientists have hit on why our hair actually goes gray, is it so far-fetched to imagine a “cure” for those unwanted signs of passing time? Hair-coloring brands may not like the sound of this, but for the moment they are safe. We are still going gray, whether we like it or not!


Anti-aging hair care products, marketers are aiming to meet the needs of an increasingly older population. But we can’t believe brands’ promises that their products will make our hair younger, or at least make it look younger. Well there’s certainly no denying that our hair changes as we age and giving its more loving care can only be a good thing. So-called anti-aging hair care products boast higher doses of vitamins, silicone and most importantly, protein. As hair ages the strands becomes weaker, and therefore more lacking in protein. The addition of protein to the hair shaft, either through styling aids or shampoos and conditioners, means it is being strengthened.

Brands are also incorporating sun-protection ingredients into their products. There are a number of styling and cleansing items which now boast a SPF. This too is also logical, as hair that is regularly exposed to the sun and its UV rays tends to show signs of damage early on.
Using these products will do your hair good, they provide much-needed moisture and they do indeed protect your hair from the sun, with that you get nothing to lose. But don’t be fooled into thinking that just because you buy anti-aging products for your hair you won’t experience thinning hair, a change in texture or, sometimes, full-blown hair loss; after all, you can’t turn back the clock. But no matter what your age, you can be kind to your hair, and that is the best you can do for young-looking locks. Give it much-needed moisture through conditioning masks at least twice a week, use shampoo and conditioner adapted to your hair type, go easy on the styling products, brush it every day and eat a healthy diet free of processed foods. Your hair will grow well and look good, no matter how old it is.


foods to eat for healthy hair


Nutrition is very important to the quality of our hair, how fast it grows, and the shiny texture of it. You can spend hundreds of dollars a month on the best hair products money can buy, but did you know that what you eat plays just as big of a role if not more so in your hair’s health. The foods you put into your body both fuel you throughout the day and make for prettier, stronger, shinier hair. Fresh fruit, vegetables and good oils like coconut oil and olive oil in the diet help our hair maintain good thickness, integrity and texture.

1. Crab/Lobster: Who knew that such delicious delicacies could satisfy your belly and make your hair grow well. Both crab and lobster are loaded with vitamin B12, a super vitamin that prevents anaemia and fatigue and improves your hair’s health. Other foods high in B12 include clams, oysters, cheese, eggs and lamb.

2. Beans: This magical fruit is actually a pretty important part of a balanced diet. Kidney beans and lentils are especially vital to your hair’s health. They’re chock full of proteins and minerals that amp up the va-va-voom factor of your coiffure, including zinc, iron and biotin. Without these, your hair is susceptible to breakage and an overall dull appearance.

3. Leafy Greens: Many people of about the age of 72years have thinning hair, but not all. Its proof that diet means everything. It is recommended that you eat dark, leafy green, especially those high in iron. Iron prevents hair loss/thinning and brittle hair. Load up on spinach, broccoli and kale, amongst other green foods.

4. Coconut Oil: If you don’t have a jar of coconut oil in your cabinet, its high times you some up for yourself. This multi-purpose oil is so handy. You can use it topically on your hair, for softening and strengthening. You can also incorporate it into your foods or even apply it directly to the skin to moisturize.

5. Eggs: Eggs are high in both vitamin D and vitamin B12, two vitamins that play a major role in your overall health including skin/hair/nails. Eggs are also high in sulphur; it stimulates hair growth and improves the health of your skin and fingernails. You can also get vitamin D through fortified milk, tuna, and salmon and by hanging out in the sun. Note that because vitamin D is hard to find in foods, many people are deficient. Consider taking a supplement.

6. Alkaline Water: This isn’t exactly a food, but it is something you consume. First of all, alkaline water is any H20 with a pH level of at least 7. Many issues, such as hair loss and dry or oily hair, indicate a gunky liver and sluggish, viscous blood. Simply drinking more alkaline water can help make the blood more slippery and liberate the sebum an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands in the scalp that can cause hair loss.

foods to eat for healthy hair


Nutrition is very important to the quality of our hair, how fast it grows, and the shiny texture of it. You can spend hundreds of dollars a month on the best hair products money can buy, but did you know that what you eat plays just as big of a role if not more so in your hair’s health. The foods you put into your body both fuel you throughout the day and make for prettier, stronger, shinier hair. Fresh fruit, vegetables and good oils like coconut oil and olive oil in the diet help our hair maintain good thickness, integrity and texture.

1. Crab/Lobster: Who knew that such delicious delicacies could satisfy your belly and make your hair grow well. Both crab and lobster are loaded with vitamin B12, a super vitamin that prevents anaemia and fatigue and improves your hair’s health. Other foods high in B12 include clams, oysters, cheese, eggs and lamb.

2. Beans: This magical fruit is actually a pretty important part of a balanced diet. Kidney beans and lentils are especially vital to your hair’s health. They’re chock full of proteins and minerals that amp up the va-va-voom factor of your coiffure, including zinc, iron and biotin. Without these, your hair is susceptible to breakage and an overall dull appearance.

3. Leafy Greens: Many people of about the age of 72years have thinning hair, but not all. Its proof that diet means everything. It is recommended that you eat dark, leafy green, especially those high in iron. Iron prevents hair loss/thinning and brittle hair. Load up on spinach, broccoli and kale, amongst other green foods.

4. Coconut Oil: If you don’t have a jar of coconut oil in your cabinet, its high times you some up for yourself. This multi-purpose oil is so handy. You can use it topically on your hair, for softening and strengthening. You can also incorporate it into your foods or even apply it directly to the skin to moisturize.

5. Eggs: Eggs are high in both vitamin D and vitamin B12, two vitamins that play a major role in your overall health including skin/hair/nails. Eggs are also high in sulphur; it stimulates hair growth and improves the health of your skin and fingernails. You can also get vitamin D through fortified milk, tuna, and salmon and by hanging out in the sun. Note that because vitamin D is hard to find in foods, many people are deficient. Consider taking a supplement.

6. Alkaline Water: This isn’t exactly a food, but it is something you consume. First of all, alkaline water is any H20 with a pH level of at least 7. Many issues, such as hair loss and dry or oily hair, indicate a gunky liver and sluggish, viscous blood. Simply drinking more alkaline water can help make the blood more slippery and liberate the sebum an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands in the scalp that can cause hair loss.

names of weavon and how to grow good hair



Beauty starts from within. There are different hairstyles for women. We have braiding, fixing(weavons), low cuts, jerry curls, dread logs, etc. Under the braiding there are different styles. There are different hair styles to make that will make you look slimmer. I am going to talk on the few I know best and how to take good care of them.

THIN HAIR: Thin hair is constantly looking for hairstyles to make their hair look thicker. With a few standard hair rules and cutting techniques, your fine hair can be on its way to voluminous styles in no time. The right products and styling methods are also great tools to help your hair look fuller.


1.       ASYMMERITICAL BOB: it is a short hair, long in front and short at the back. It is easy to make and maintain, it elongates your neck and falls on the right side of your face just a little below your chin.

2.       RIGHT PARTING: it fits mostly those with round faces. It accentuates your cheekbone, try parting your hair on the opposite side of your natural part. It lengthen your face and make you look slimmer

3.       HIGHLIGHTS: Subtle and natural highlights make your face look leaner and younger. Alternating light and dark colours mimics stripes and it’s not a secret whether in clothes design, vertical stripes are slimming.

4.       LONG SHAG: The most slimming hair style for round face and it also takes age away from your face since its layer tends to soften your visage. Make sure bangs are angled and not too thick.

5.       LAYERS: having the length of hair makes the face look fuller, so always trim the hair to be in layers. Layers near the cheekbone’s line will highlight your bone structure. If your hair is thinning, add layers at the top of your hair for volume and movement. Ensure that your hair doesn’t poof out on the sides because it will widen your face and in  effect to that, it won’t give you your aim for trimming the hair into layers



1.       If you have a heart shaped head, avoid side parting hair style in other not to make your face look rounder.

2.       Long poker straight face can make your head look smaller and your face heavy

3.       A blunt chin-length bob will make your face look rounder

4.       A hair cut that ends directly at your chin is a no go area or style; always make it longer or shorter but not directly at your chin level.

5.      Blunt bangs draw a divide across your face, making it look shorter and wider


Many people envy or try to copy most of the movie stars actors and actresses hair styles, there’s a few things you may be doing wrong that aren’t helping your hair get there.



Believe it or not, shampooing your hair too often may actually work against you. They aren’t suggesting running around with dirty, oily strands, but do try and take a break between your washes. If you can, try shampooing at least every other day, especially if you are typically washing daily. Over shampooing can strip hair of its natural oils and end up drying it out. Try a great dry shampoo like Bumble & bumble Hair Powder or Osis Dust It to help keep hair looking fresh. Try and stop washing your hair with shampoo always and you will see how perfect and good your hair will look good, and will look like their own.


From flat irons and curling tools wants to our blow dryers, we’re all guilty of being addicted to our hot styling tools. But hot tool abuse leads to split and dry, damaged hair. When using your hot tools, don’t gravitate toward the highest heat possible; instead, try a low or medium heat setting. Fine to medium hair should always be used on these settings, only very thick and course hair really needs high heat. To prevent and minimize damage, use a thermal protecting spray before styling. A hot tool shrinks/reduces the hair and makes it look smaller and scanty. Try not to use all this tools always and if you must use it, then use it on low heat.


When you always use the wrong brush to style or brush your hair, it will break and cut it. If you’re drying your hair straight and not sure what round brushes to try, use your hair length as a cue. If you have shorter hair, you should be using a smaller brush with about a one-inch diameter. For longer hair, use a medium to large brush that’s at least a few inches around.


Styling products are great for just about anything from adding volume to your tresses to helping reign in control of your mane. But when you’re a styling product junkie that overdoses on products, they end up working against you. Too much mouse, gel or pomade will actually weigh down hair and often, result in a greasy look and unnatural texture. Stick to small amounts. When you are always impatient and want quicker results, you tend to apply them too much on your hair, which won’t give you a good and perfect result. Instead it will damage the texture of your hair and poor growth.


If you’re growing your hair out, it can be tempting to skip out on your regular trim but the fact remains, your hair needs one at least every six to eight weeks. Don’t skip out on this importance maintenance check; it will keep your hair healthy and in tip top shape.


Always try to section or divide your hair into different parts, in other to give all the parts equal treatment and attention. When you don’t do that, they won’t grow well. A good stylist starts with properly sectioning off your hair. To do so, divide your hair into three sections, split horizontally. Get some clips or pins to secure the topmost sections so you can concentrate on the bottom. Then, just work your way up and you will get a perfect result

                                            NAMES OF WEAVONS

There are different names or types of weaves, among which are going to least the few I know. They are as follows: Brazilian hair, Peruvian, Indian hair, lady star, darling yaki, darling curl, adorable bebe curl, yaki flip, rihanna, chocolate, coil, expression, miss rola, bohemian curl, premium too, noble, solo, Cambodian, Caribbean, Ethiopian, African hair, rose deep, sublime, passion, supreme, remi, top quality, expression, Daniela, first lady, adorable, Chinese, bounce, batik, body wave, noble 426, dancing curls, city bride, afro-curls, black elegance, African girl, lo’lavita,


                                                                  HAIR COLORS/DYES.

Some hair trends are easy to jump on board with because it’s easy to jump right off. You can try a dye on your hair and because you don’t like it, you can just take it right out. Other trends take a bit more of a commitment. Whether you’re cutting or dyeing your hair, sometimes it takes a bit of a push to go for a new look, but seeing the trend on someone else can serve as the best inspiration to commit to a look. One of the best current hair trends is colour. I don’t mean putting a few highlights in your hair, but rather, I mean a splash of pinks, purples, and blues. There are a few different ways to wear this trend; and hopefully, you’ll find the right inspiration to try it out yourself.

There different colours of hair, among which are: blonde colour, chocolate colour, blue colour, red colour, black colour, green hair, gray colour, ombre, brunettes, purple, white, blue,  copper-red, ruby-red, pale blonde, rainbow lady, amber, coppery red, pink hair, copper, full colour, rainbow colour, single colour etc.

                                                NAMES OF HAIR STYLES

There are different styles and ways to fix and braid hair. Here are some names of hair styles: 2nd-Day Hairstyles,  Adoption, Ballet, Banded Ponytails, Bangs, Baptism Communion, Beachy, Bow Braids, Braid Buns, Braid Headbands, Braided Buns, Braids, Bubble Ponytail, Buns, Cage Braids, Cheer, Chigno, Christmas Hairstyles, Crazy Hairstyles, Crown Braids, Curls, Daddy Do's, Dance, Disney, DIY, Dutch Braids,, Easter Hairstyles, Easy, Events, Faux Braids, Feather Braids, Fishtail Braids, Flat Twists, Flips, Flower Girl Hairstyles, French Braids, Gymnastics, Hair Bows, Hair Parts, Hair-Wrapped Ponytails, Hairstyles, Halloween Hairstyles, Hard, Heat Curls, High Buns, Holiday, Homecoming, Hunger Games Hairstyles, Knots, Knotted Braids, Lace Braids, Ladder Braids, Length, Long Hair, Loony Braids, Medium, Medium Hair, Messy Braids, Messy Buns, Mindy - Mindless Ramblings, Mom Hairstyles, No-Heat Curls, Pancake Braids, Pigtails, Ponytails, Popular, Prom, Puff Braids, Q and A, Rope Braids, Short Hair, Side Braids, retro hairstyle, Side Ponytails, Simple Braids, Skill Level, Slide-Up Braids, Sock Buns, Sports, St. Patrick's Day Hairstyles, Supplies Teen/Tween Hairstyles, Tiebacks , Time, Tips and Tricks, Twist backs, Twists, Twisty Buns, Updos, Valentine's Day Hairstyles, Waterfall Braids, Ghana braids, bob Marley, feathers, matting (two hands), calabar, kinky braids, fringe, bob, etc.
                                                      RECIPE FOR GOOD HAIR

Talk half a cup of honey, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a pair or ripe little avocados and the yolk of one egg, then mix the lot in a large bowl until thoroughly blended. Now, plaster it all over your hair and leave it to set for a couple of hours. Once the concoctions have hardened shampoo and condition and then dry your hair. See the glamorous state of your luscious locks. This is a miracle hair cure worth getting messy for.

By adding four or five drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo, you can help control dandruff and boost the health of your scalp. If oiliness is more of an issue, combat greasy lock by dabbing cotton soaked in witch hazel along your hairline and only ever add conditioner to the end of your hair never rub it into your scalp. This will weigh down the roots of your hair, destroying any natural just-stepped out of a salon bounce.


Growing your hair out can be a total drag. It tests your patience; especially if you are in a “I want it now!” world and putting up with the whole in-between stage makes it seem anything but worthwhile.  It is even possible to grow your hair out in style, you will learn how to get great lengths, without going nutty by sticking to these three secrets.



Typically, the hardest part about growing your hair out is dealing with a length and style that you’re just not used to. Especially if you’re going from super short hair to long locks, styling can just be confusing. That’s where lovely hair accessories come in, which you should make your new best friend. From funky hats to hair scarves, hair pins and pretty headbands, there are plenty of hair accessories to try which will help you style your temporary new look. Plus, they work with virtually any hair length. Have some fun experimenting with a few hair adornments and you may just end up more fond of that in-between stage than you would have thought.


Buns and braids are a great way to tame unmanageable hair into instant style. They’re simple, stylish and can help hide second-day hair, too! So of course, there is a lot of a great party bun tutorial for you to learn. As far as braided hairstyles go, the options are virtually endless, which can also be overwhelming. Some of which you can also try are the Big Braided Bun, and the Infinity Braid.


Most likely, what’s actually causing your hair distress is simply not being used to the new length! So go ahead and seek some inspiration on creative ways to style your hair for your new look, even if it’s temporary.  If you’re still struggling or just stuck for ideas, book an appointment with your hair stylist or at your favourite blow dry bar. Sometimes, having someone else style your hair is all you’ll need to see the ways in which you can make your new style work.




When you where younger, you always hated the colour of your hair. Now you realize that your hair colour actually complements your skin tone beautifully, and well, that it’s not so bad after all.

2.      ROOTS SUCK.

You totally wish someone would have told you that if you colour/dye your hair, the roots will be suck and obvious. That it would be showing again.


Depending on how drastic you go with your hair colour, if you dye your hair, you need to always go to the salon to treat and apply some maintenance on it. You’ll probably have to visit the salon every six to eight weeks for maintenance. On top of the time commitment highlights demand, they can also cost quite a bit of money (which, as you know, is all good and fun when your parents are paying for it, but when it’s on you, not so much). Because everything will be on you and if you don’t have the money to do all that, the hair will look so on-kept and dirty.


I always love my hair colour right after I get it done, but in less than a couple of weeks, it starts to fade and get brassy as well. No amount of colour protection shampoo ever seems to really help, although it does ward off the fade for a little bit longer, which is at least nice.


 I’ve been highlighting my hair since when I was younger. The number one reason is that it’s so freaking hard to stop once you start or ever get your natural colour back! Now, I’m in the process of actually trying to do so, so I guess we’ll see how it goes.

                                       HOW OFTEN YOU SHOULD DYE YOUR HAIR

In a world of highlights and lowlights, it can be tough to know how often you should actually colour your hair. But because both dye and bleach are potentially damaging, says celebrity hairstylist, it’s important to learn the rules.

1.      IF YOU HAVE GRAY HAIR AND DYE IT DARK: Everyone’s time lapse between appointments is different, if you have a lot of gray hair and are dying it a dark hue, you’ll probably need to go in for a touch up about every three weeks. If really you want to maintain your former hair colour.

2.      IF YOU HAVE DARK HAIR AND DYE IT LIGHT: In the same vein, if you have naturally dark hair (like brown or black) and dye it a light colour (like blonde), you’ll need to tint it more often. Ultimately though, it all comes down to how much your roots really bother you.

3.      IF YOU HAVE A SINGLE-PROCESS COLOR: Only dye your hair one colour as opposed to highlighting it, then the suggested wait time by both colourist and manufacturer is approximately four weeks. “By that time the colour has faded and/or oxidized.” However, some clients choose to come in sooner or hold off a bit longer depending on how bad their roots are.

4.       IF YOU HAVE HIGHLIGHTS: While highlights are a little subjective, usually they’ll need to be touched up anywhere from every six to ten weeks. How much lighter you go from your natural hair colour and how heavy or natural the pieces are woven it will determine where you fall within that timeline.

5.       IF YOU HAVE HIGHLIGHTS AND A BASE COLOUR: Kari recommends getting them done together first, then four weeks later you should do your base colour only, she advises. So basically, every four weeks touch up your base, and ever eight weeks do your base and highlight.

6.       IF YOU HAVE HIGHLIGHTS AND LOWLIGHTS: Multi-tonal colours (highlights and lowlights) ensure a very natural look and it will make your roots way less obvious as hair grows out. The process might be more expensive, but the good news is, it lasts twice as long.

7.       IF YOU HAVE FINE, STRAIGHT HAIR: According to David, women with fine, straight hair need to get their colour done more frequently than those with thick, curly hair whose texture disguises their roots.

To help ease the damage of frequent colouring, use these tips.

1. If you have a one tone hair colour, use permanent colour on your roots. Permanent colour often contains ammonia and can be more damaging, so refresh the rest of your hair with a semi permanent colour to add shine.

2. If you are more of a bleach blonde girl, you can wait about six to eight weeks for a touch up, especially if your base is a lighter colour naturally. When you do go in for a touch up, make sure your stylist never pulls the bleach down over previously lightened hair. This causes major damage and breakage.

3. Finally, to help push a few more days or weeks in between colourings, you can indulge in a colour enhancing shampoo.


Women/girls who have ever highlighted or dyed their hair knows all too well about the dreaded colour fade. You leave the salon with a bright, shiny hair and a few weeks later, it’s dull again. To ensure that it does happen to your hair, here are some tips for a long lasting hair colour you need to know.

Every time you wash your hair, essential oils are scrubbed away that naturally keep your strands softer, smoother and healthier overall. If possible, try to wash not more than 3 times a week. And if you absolutely can’t live without a daily shower, feel free to rinse your hair with cold water and apply some conditioner to the ends. This will help your hair retain its colour by locking in pigment, while hot water works the opposite, opening cuticles and releasing pigment, which results in dull, dry strands.

It’s a common myth that dirty hair takes better to colour. In actuality though, the dye cannot penetrate the cuticle layer due to the pollutant in the follicle. Shampooing beforehand will open up the follicle, allowing the colour to seep into the cuticle layer and last longer.


layering colour with highlights and lowlights as opposed to just highlights will produce an optical illusion for the eye and give more depth to your colour. Thus, you won’t have to touch up your roots as often, which we love.
The heat emitted from blow dryers, curling irons and flat irons damages hair cuticles that shield and seal colour particles. Allow wet hair to air dry instead, and if you must use a curling iron or a flat iron, don’t forget to spray your mane with a heat protectant serum first.

In fact, other than washing and thermal styling, it’s our hair’s most dangerous enemy. When spending extended time in the sun, wear a hat or using hair care products that contain UV protection ingredients. Also, be sure to dry your mane fully before venturing outside, as damp strands have a heightened sensitivity to sun exposure, meaning there’s a higher chance of colour fading.


For the sake of your mane, try and get your hair colour done in a qualified salon. Misuse of at home kits can severely damage your locks and affect the ability of hair to hold colour in. So unless you’re an expert, just don’t dye yourself or at home.